昨天有事出去了一天,到晚上六点多才到家。 一进门,女儿就在沙发上冲我笑,说“妈妈,你给我买了一个小娃娃的棒棒糖吗?”(要了好多天的那种娃娃造型巧克力棒棒糖),我说“买了呀”,赶紧从包里拿出来给她,她拿在手里在沙发上开心的蹦了几下,然后跟我说“妈妈,我想你了!”,我听了心里暖暖的。<br 阅读全文>> |
Blog,Podcast,Twitter 博客,播客,推特 I'm back! Due to some "technical" problems, I had to turn to iTweet in order to continue tweeting since late July. However, I have been unable to log on it for several weeks for no apparent reason, leaving me too desperate to believe that one day I will be back on Twitter once again. Then something really amazing happend. NBA's "Where amazing happens" motto is no fluke. Brandon Jennings, the top point guard in US high school, failed to be admitted to any university thanks to his poor performance in SAT. Initially he was inclined to join Arizona Wildcats, impressed by its academic atmosphere, but the setback compelled him to set off a European tour. He acted as a reverse player in Lottomatica Roma, averaged 5.5 points, 1.6 rebounds, 2.2 assists, and 1.5 steals in limited 17.0 minutes per game. Although he didn't have enough time to fulfill his full potential in a top European team filled with veterans, he did ...阅读全文>> |
澳大利亚一只军犬在阿富汗执行任务时遭到游击队伏击,军方以为它殉职了,没想到在失踪14个月之后,发现它还活得好好的。 这只名叫“沙比”、4岁大的拉布拉多,一年多前和突击队在阿富汗执行任务的时候,遭到埋伏的塔利班游击队攻击,队上9名士兵同袍阵亡,沙比也同时失踪,大家都认为它也死了。 可是活不见狗,死不见尸,让官兵始终无法放下挂念。没想到失踪一年多之后,沙比被一名美国士兵发现,同队官兵激动不已。 包括失踪的一年多,沙比驻扎阿富汗的时间比大多数澳大利亚军人都要久。 |
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