BYD and Foshan Plastics Group, a joint venture expansion projects
lithium-ion battery separator</SPAN>
2009</SPAN> in Uncategorized</SPAN>
battery and car manufacturer - BYD stake in the implementation and
the Shenzhen Stock Exchange in Foshan Plastics Group Co., Ltd.
joint venture expansion of lithium-ion
battery separator project, involving a total
investment capital amount of about 1.05 billion yuan. This is the second acquisition of the US’s BYD Group Hunan bus, passenger car business is developing new energy sources, another investment plan. Shenzhen A-share listed in Fosugufen issued a statement saying, and BYD, and is responsible for the Buddha’s plastic lithium-ion battery A1060 , A1061,A1078 separator business, management and technical staff to set up a joint venture, Foshan Jin-Hui, the construction of an annual capacity of 4,500 million square meters (about 542 t) Lithium-ion battery separator is expected the project put into production a year in new revenue and profit after tax were 229 million yuan and 6,250 million yuan. BYD, the Buddha and the Buddha plastic plastic-related management and technical personnel, will be accounted for 39.375%, Foshan Jin Hui, 48.125% and 12.5% stake, in addition to the Buddha Buddha plastic plastic will Sanshui Industrial Park, 45.3 acres of land plus cash input , and the other two shareholders are based on cash injections. 阅读全文>> |
P24 南瓜底料陷的做法</SPAN> 陷的配料(为了900g馅料): 1kg南瓜, 100g杏仁饼干,一个洋葱,80g帕尔米奶酪,蔬菜高汤,肉豆蔻,盐,胡椒 1-2.用黄油煸黄洋葱碎,之后在锅中混入南瓜块、蔬菜高汤,加热直到南瓜块变软。 P25 3-4-5. 把南瓜从锅中取出,放入到搅拌机,另外加入杏仁饼干、帕尔米奶酪磨、肉豆蔻、盐和胡椒粉。 TIP: 有很多不同版本的用南瓜做基本底料的陷,比如用可以用加入芥末蜜饯。 P26 意大利花式饺子</SPAN> 1. 用3cm直径的意大利面花式磨具在准备好的面皮上切下所需要的圆圈。用一点儿水沾湿一半的面皮(例如做了10个就用水沾湿5个)。 2. 把馅料放在每个沾过水的小圆面皮上。 3. 用另一半没有沾水的面皮覆盖放了陷的面皮。按压好。 P27 4. 用1cm直径的专用按压工具按压馅料的周围(如图),注意不要把皮压破。 5. 向里卷起馅料鼓起的那一面,捏紧最末端。(大家自己多理解) 6. 捏紧一端,向外翻转两一端。(看图多试验,我自己也不明白) P28 Fagottini (另一种意大利饺子,暂无中文名)</S |
(一)用于预防冠心病、高血压、高血脂 取水发木耳250克,水发海米25克,精盐、味精、花椒粒、蒜泥、姜末、芝麻油、花生油、鲜汤各适量。 将黑木耳洗净,摘成小块,放入沸水中略氽捞出,沥干水,放入平盘内,用精盐、鲜汤、味精拌匀,放在姜末、蒜泥上,淋入芝麻油少许即右。食用时用筷子拌匀。佐膳食。 (二)用于防治贫血取黑木耳30克,桂鱼茸250克,熟火腿25克,熟蛋皮50克,白菜叶50克,鸡蛋清1个,冬笋50克,精盐、葱花、姜末、胡椒粉、湿淀粉、花生油、芝麻油、发菜、清汤各适量。 将黑木耳用冷水浸泡24小时,用清水洗净,摘去蒂,捞出,沥干水;冬笋去皮壳,洗净,切成片;白菜叶、发菜15克洗净,切成细丝;熟蛋皮、熟火腿洗净,分别切成细丝,以上各料共入碗内,拌匀成混合丝;桂鱼茸放入碗内,加鸡蛋清、姜末、精盐、湿锅置旺火上,放花生油50克烧至五成熟,下冬笋片、黑术耳片煸炒片刻,加清汤适量,放蒸熟的鱼丸,加精盐、味精烧沸,改用中火烧入味,用湿淀粉勾薄芡,淋入芝麻油出锅装盘,撒上葱花、胡椒粉即可食用。佐膳食。 (三)用于病后体虚、产生体虚的补养取水发木耳150克,蛋白肉250克,豆油、鲜汤、 |
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