moral one, there are two simple first-aid methods: (1) neck behind the skull at the bottom to the trunk from the upper part of this section is dotted with 100 workers of the three-point hole. In the spare no effort to work, may wish to extract just a few minutes to shenzhen massage the three reaction points, instantly relieve neck fatigue and relax the body. (2) cross-cutting fingers, hands placed behind the neck, back and forth friction and neck, the intensity should be gentle, continuous friction 50 times, neck, fever, there would be a very relaxed and comfortable feeling. Maintenance Tips 4 18:00 Doing the outdoor sports Cartilage nutrition is not through the blood supply, but by changes in pressure to carry |
汽车消费热带动汽车电子电器市场井喷</STRONG> 今年以来,随着国内出台振兴汽车产业计划的实施及相关配套政策的不断发布,中国的汽车产业得到飞速发展。今年前9个月汽车产销已超去年 全年的事实让业内再次为之一振。中国汽车工业协会近日发布的统计数据显示,9月汽车销量同比增长77.88%,其中乘用车、商用车销量同比均 保持两位数的增长,乘用车月产销量甚至首次突破100万辆大关。 汽车市场正在从传统的欧美市场向亚洲尤其是中国市场转移。与此同时,电子设备在汽车领域被广泛应用,据不完全统计,自2005年以来,电 子设备在整车制造成本中所占的比例已经达30%以上,这两大因素造就了中国汽车电子制造和贸易的井喷行情。 来自盖世汽车网最新统计数据显示,与1月份惨淡的出口状况相比,9月份热门采购产品如传感器、发电机/起动机、开关、空调压缩机、蓄电池 的采购量增长幅度均达2-3倍,汽车电子电器出口市场明显复苏。国内配套市场的旺热也带动了汽车零部件企业的信心,持续增长的消费市场刺 激了整车的制造,目前,多数车企加大了零部件产品采购量,对比去年同期,预计增幅在50%左右。 近日,美国阿菲尼亚集团公司、德国M |
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