机油箱盖被撞造成发动机损坏 如何赔偿
2009-03-11 来源: 大河网 一位读者询问:“我的车投了除自燃险外几乎所有的险,前几天开车从地下停车场出来时,不小心底盘碰到一块石头,导致底盘上机油箱被撞坏造成机油泄漏。我在现场给保险公司报案后,车一直处于打着状态。大概半个小时后保险公司现场勘察人员到现场,经过 阅读全文>> |
Why I Love Gelato Ice Cream better than regular ice cream?</SPAN></SPAN></SPAN> Unlike ice cream, Gelato is whipped with hardly any air, so the flavours are intensified. Gelato ingredients are not homogenised and the result is that it melts faster than ice cream. Much of the experience lies in its semi frozen consistency. And because it is kept semi frozen and not rock-hard, the flavours come bursting through. Gelato is served from a different freezer than an American style ice cream. This is a forced air freezer, which is usually held at about -15°C allowing the Gelato to be served straight out of the Gelato machine! The best Gelato is made fresh daily. Gelato Ice Cream Machine Batch Freezer |
Formula One Mosley submits Jun 25th 2009 From The Economist print edition An end to Formula One’s civil war? AP/AFP</SPAN> ![]() Within two hours Mr Montezemolo had prevailed. Mr Mosley agreed to step down more or less immediately, his decision to impose a £40m ($66m) spending cap on teams participating in the championship was scrapped and the teams won a formal role in the governance of the ...阅读全文>> |
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