中山旅游胜地,中山景区,中山旅行社,中山户外拓展,中山自驾游,中山DIY地带 类型 地区 店名 电话 优惠 景区 坦洲镇 伊泰莲娜DIY地带 0760-86284847 成人门票原价38元(送精美饰品),会员价25元;小童门票原价20(送手工项目),会员价15元。 旅行社 西区 中山纵宇旅游文化传播有限公司 88336653 优惠:8.7折 户外拓展 大涌镇 中山市卓旗山庄雄鹰户外拓展培训基地 0760-86869670 8-9.5折 户外拓展 石岐区 中山市拓邦户外运动用品有限公司 0760-88884009 优惠:8.5折 中山旅游胜地,中山景区,中山旅行社,中山户外拓展,中山自驾游,中山DIY地带 阅读全文>> |
From my discourse with Mr. Lloyd, and from the above reported conference between Bessie and Abbot, I gathered enough of hope to suffice as a motive for wishing to get well: a change seemed near,- -I desired and waited it in silence. It tarried, however: days and weeks passed: I had regained my normal state of health, but no new allusion was made to the subject over which I brooded. Mrs. Reed surveyed me at times with a severe eye, but seldom addressed me: since my illness, she had drawn a more marked line of separation than ever between me and her own children; appointing me a small closet to sleep in by myself, condemning me to take my meals alone, and pass all my time in the nursery, while my cousins were constantly in the drawing-room. Not a hint, however, did she drop about sending me to school: still I felt an instinctive certainty that she would not long endure me under the same roof with her; for her glance, now more than ever, when turned on me, expressed an insuperable and r |
不知不觉孕育不不已经进入了第十周,即九周+,身体也慢慢出现了新变化。首先,肚子好像长大了。我不是一个瘦人,小肚子一直都有的,但随着呕吐症状加剧,不可否认的说,我饿瘦了,体重就是见证。腰上的游泳圈往下靠了几公分,跑到了小肚子上。躺在床上,可以摸出硬硬的子宫,站起来一看,肚子下缘已经清晰地出现了圆圆的肚子痕迹。老公说,这已经是孕妇的标准肚子了。长的好快啊,不不,加油!第二个变化,呕吐。原本上午的一日三吐稍有减轻,但恐怖的是,中午强烈呕吐出现了。每天一点半,下肚一个小时的午饭就全部倾倒出来。注意,我用的是“倾倒”这个词。于是每天下午饿着肚子去上班,进了办公室,先要喝一杯孕妇奶粉补充水分,然后就是饼干了。不不这一点比较随我,爱吃饼干,还是夹心的。更恐怖的变化昨天出现了,我坏了一颗牙。之前看到书上讲,怀孕之前要看牙医,可老公不让我去,这不,问题出现了。下面的第一颗槽牙,裂开了,想必是甜饼干吃多了,再加上呕吐的胃液侵蚀,我可怜的牙齿啊。老公说,当年婆婆怀他的时候就是掉了一颗牙,难道不不这点随爸爸? 婆婆说,让我体验这个孕育的过程。为什么朋友们都是无反应妊娠,非到我这体验这种痛苦妊娠呢?好人有好报,上了大月也许就好了,以后不不也听话,不让我难过操心,如果这样的话,现在的折磨就是值得的。 9周+,我和不不一起加油! |
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