Blowing Up Cheese with Nitrous
Oxide 氮气泡沫芝士 (转载自美国分子烹饪厨师的博客。英语水平有限,翻译不当之处,请多多指教!) Foams are everywhere in nature, and widely used in industrial processes as well. Inevitably, innovators in the culinary realm, hungry for inspiration, have made foams part of their palette as well. 泡沫状材料于自然界中无处不在,并被广泛的运用于工业生产。烹饪领域中的先行者们,灵感勃发,在菜品制作中,创造出一道道泡沫般佳肴。 In nature, lighter-than-air volcanic lava traps bubbles of various sizes as the molten rock cools. Aquatic sponges are shot through with crevices and pockets, which can be squeezed and compressed and then return to their original shape when the pressure is removed. 自然界中,比空气还轻的各种火山灰在冷却过程中变为海底火山岩。水生生物布满了这些火山岩的表面和缝隙。这些生物在压力环境中变形,当压力消失后形态随即恢复原样。 Manmade foam insulation, which is extruded from canisters, is at first soft and pliable, then grows in volume to produce a solid foam matrix filling in cracks and crevices with interconnected air bubbles. And sponges are found in almost every kitchen, sitting in the sink alongside piles of soap bubbles: two different types of foam to titillate the chef’s imagination. 人造泡沫绝缘材料在容器中被挤压后变得柔软,体积变大后形成一个由无数个小气泡紧密相连的稳定大气泡。每个厨房水渠中的肥皂泡间隙都有海绵生物的存在。两种不同形态的泡沫状物体充分的激发了厨师的想象力。 One of the most commonly made culinary foams is whipped cream. Thousands of tiny air bubbles are trapped in a dairy emulsion to turn something liquid into something soft and thick. Modern whipped cream machines work by pressurizing the cream, by releasing compressed nitrous oxide into a chamber with the cream. The pressurized atmosphere forces the gas to be absorbed by the liquid. Then when it’s sprayed out of the chamber, the gas expands, and the cream grows in volume and changes textures from a liquid to a foam. The density of the structure depends upon how much nitrous you add to the chamber. Once we understand how the machine works, we can adapt it to aerate different ingredients. 最为常见的泡沫状食物是鲜奶油。无数细小的气泡进入液体中,使液体形状得以改变。现代鲜奶油机的工作原理是采用高压氮气罐加压的方法。高压气体迫使液体充分吸收,体积膨胀,从液态变为泡沫状固态。泡沫的密度取决于气罐中氮气的多少。你理解了这种原理后,不同的成分可加入其中。 While cream has an inherent structure of fat and protein to hold the foam intact, other ingredients require a little extra support. We wanted to create an aerated Brie cheese. We thought that its richness and smooth flavor would taste delicious lightened up as a foam. Our first experiment went flat: although it had a beautiful aerated texture when we first sprayed it from the can, it slowly collapsed on the plate. In order to create structure in our aerated cheese while still keeping a soft, melting texture, we looked towards agar, which would form a gel at a relatively high temperature, thus ensuring that our bubbles remained trapped in the cheese. The downside to using agar by itself is that it has a hard, rubbery texture and can fall prey to syneresis--expulsion of liquid--over time. 脂肪和蛋白质的结构在鲜奶油中得以完整的保留,而其他成分就得以其他的方式加入其中。我们想创制充入二氧化碳的布里芝士。我们认为品尝这道菜应该有丰富的味觉和滑爽的口感。第一次实验未达到预期效果:用气罐充气后成品有着稳定的结构,但是,保持的时间很短。为了让充气芝士具有优美的纹理和稳定的结构,我们将眼光移向了琼脂。这事一种在相对较高的温度下能够凝结的物质。因此能够确保充气芝士长时间的稳定,但是,琼脂也有一定负面作用,那就是其自身 阅读全文>> |
对分秒必争的时尚白领而言,快速的化妆法显得异常重要。 生活中有这样一群女性,她们绝对是小资的代表,名牌服饰、香水、化妆品结合有品位的衣着装扮,成为一道养眼的风景线——她们是新白领女性。现代OL们必须每天与职业装、高跟鞋、电脑及成堆的工作打交道,如何制定有针对性的皮肤护理计划,如何在繁忙的工作中保持靓丽的妆容,如何进行服饰的搭配成为这群女人所关心的问题。 韩国新生活-美之娇湿粉(基础彩妆系列) 许多白领一直以为,爱美首先就要珍爱自己的皮肤,而化妆则是伤害皮肤的做法。事实上化妆是对工作的一种尊重、对别人的一种礼貌、对生活的一种积极态度。淡淡的、自然得体的妆容再配合莞尔的微笑,是时尚白领最佳的美丽秘诀,不仅能赢得别人的好感,还可以得到“专业”、“能干”的认可。 但在现实生活中,要在上午9点化好妆准时上班确实是件难以坚持的事情,尤其是对于那些经常工作至深夜或喜欢睡懒觉的女性而言。于是,争分夺秒的化妆技巧方法就显得异常重要。 第一分钟:快速清洁<br |
作者:大丫山 (四川·成都) 时间:2009-9-9 16:57:23 点击此处可看原文</STRONG> 孙伟铭案二审宣判了,此乃终审判决,之前的一切悬念都因这个宣判的来临而终结。不过,人们对孙伟铭案的关注想必不会因此而打住。在此,笔者更关注的是,孙伟铭被判无期到底是法意的胜利还是民意的胜利,抑或是二者的双重胜利?毕竟,这是法治社会,探讨这样一个问题,厘清个中经脉,无论对于推进法治建设本身,还是对于维护社会正义、缓解社会矛盾,都将大有裨益。 笔者注意到,就在终审判决出来的前一天,即9月7日,国内多家媒体披露了孙伟铭案中肇事者家属和受害者家属对判决抛出的“底线”。其中,肇事者家属的底线是“保住性命,维持原判肯定申诉”;受害者家属的底线是“死缓,轻于死缓肯定申诉”。从目前的最终判决看,虽然双方抛出的“申诉”已显多余,但是,最终判决跟双方“底线”的这种“微妙关系”却值得剖析。 无期,就“保住性命”这个底线而言,无疑已经达到了;就“死缓”这个底线而言,虽然有所差距,但是,差距不是很大。在我国,死缓体现的是“惩办与宽大相结合”的精神,对于那些在“缓期执行”期间没有故意犯 |
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