Iranian opposition websites and witnesses say police have shot dead
four opposition activists taking part in massive protests in
Tehran. But Iranian police official deny the protesters were killed
in clashes with security forces today. Opposition websites day
police opened fire as thousands of reformists rallied on Tehran’s
streets in defiance of government warnings. Iraqi officials say bomb has exploded among Shiite pilgrims marking the holy day of Ashura, killing at least six people and wounded more that 30 others. Today is deadliest blast pilgrim in the northern Iraqi town where a roadside bomb exploded during a pilgrim’s precession, killing five and wounded 28. A bomb exploded in the capital striking a mini-bus, carrying Shiite pilgrims. One pilgrim was killed and several others were wounded. US law enforcement officials have charged a 23-year-old Nigerian man was attempting to blow up an airliner Friday as the aircraft landing approach to Detroit Michigan. Officials read the charges Saturday in the Michigan hospital where Umar Farouk Abdul Mutallab is being treated for burns. Authorities said he tried to destroy the plane of a high-explosive device detach to his body. Preliminary analysis found the Federal Bureau of Investigation said the device contained an explosive called PETN instead of exploding the device set fire to Abdulmutallab’s pants and the wall of the airplane. Abdulmutallab was immediately restrained by other passengers and crew. This passenger says the crew member told her when the incident was over. “She was shaking and crying and speaker saying the situation taken care of the fire is our, the man that was part of it is detained you guys are safe.” US officials said Abdulmutallab told them he had received training for the attack from al-Qaeda operatives in Yemen. 阅读全文>> |
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