We loved with a love more than love. annabel lee is so beautiful, also so weak. i like her very much. It was many and many a year ago, In a kingdom by the sea, That a maiden there lived whom you may know, By the name of Annable Lee; And this maiden she lived with no other thought than to love and be loved by me. She was a child and i was a child, In this kingdom by the sea, But we loved with a love that was more than love -- I and my Annabel Lee -- with a love that the winged seraphs of heaven coveted her and me. And this was the reason that, long ago, In this kingdom by the sea, A wind blew out of a cloud by night, Chilling my Annabel 阅读全文>> |
固定资产管理高级实务(深圳,11</SPAN>月13-14</SPAN>日)</SPAN></SPAN> 【培训日期】</SPAN>2009</SPAN>年11</SPAN>月13-14</SPAN>日</SPAN></SPAN> 【培训地点】</SPAN>深圳</SPAN></SPAN> 【培训对象】</SPAN>企业高层管理人员、技术总监、投资总监、</SPAN></SPAN> 资产管理部、财务部、生产部、技术部及车间主管,设备工程师、资产管理业务人员</SPAN></SPAN> </SPAN> 【课程背景】</SPAN></SPAN> 固定资产(设备)是</SPAN>影响企业生产能力重要因素</SPAN>,在资产价值中占有占有效大的份额,固定资产(设备)具有耗资多、单位价值大、使用年限长、风险大等特点,其结构、技术状况、管理水平、运行质量和运转效率关系到企业成本及经济效益,是影响企业竞争力的重要因素。</SPAN></SPAN> 固定资产管理本质是对设备物质价值及技术管理。固定资产管理将价值、经济与技术相结合,以求达到固定资产寿命周期费用最低, |
</SPAN> </SPAN> </SPAN></SPAN> </SPAN></SPAN></SPAN> 山晟公司姜日成总经理、李铭建教授、</SPAN> </SPAN></SPAN> 武旭峰老师参观三星堆博物馆</SPAN> 武旭峰老师与假“张飞”合影</SPAN> </SPAN></SPAN> 山晟专家团与当地投资方到访汉靖侯庞统祠</SPAN> </SPAN></SPAN>打“三国文化”旅游旗号的街头艺人</SPAN> ...阅读全文>> |
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