By Richard Vines May 19 (Bloomberg) -- Wally Ganzi , 66, co-owner of the Palm Restaurant group, spots a scrap of paper on the pavement outside his new London steak house, the group’s first outlet in Europe. He bends down, picks it up, looks round in vain for a bin and then slips it into his pocket. No detail of the hospitality business is too small for Ganzi, whose grandfather opened the first Palm with a friend on New York’s Second Avenue, in 1926. “I’m not going to criticize other restaurants,” says Ganzi, who has been eating his way around the city, testing the competition before Palm opens on the site of Drones in Belgravia next week. “I’ll only say there are grills here but there’s nothing like the Palm, and I love London. We’ve been working on this for six or seven years and it’s very important to us.” While Palm also looked at Canary Wharf, he has no immediate plans to open there. The next sites under consideration are in Paris, Milan and Madrid. The company’s business partner in London is Joseph Zappala, a former U.S. ambassador to Spain, Ganzi says. In the basement kitchen, a Montague Co. broiler and a Silver King lettuce crisper are installed and ready. While the official opening is on May 29, smart diners may try for bookings in the May 26-28 period, when the food is half price. The address is 1 Pont Street. There’s no telephone number yet. Ganzi, who lives in Naples, Florida, is an entertaining host. He’s planning to marry again next month. Once we finish touring the restaurant, we head to Zafferano for lunch. The architect Zaha Hadid sits at the next table and is joined by the model Naomi Campbell , looking fabulous and wearing a huge diamond ring. Finally, a reason to visit Zafferano. Bjorn van der Host, the Swiss-born chef who formerly headed the Greenhouse and La Noisette in London, opens his own establishment tonight, close to Smithfield Market. The Eastside Inn features a large open kitchen serving a restaurant and bistro and a lounge for late-night jazz. His contemporary French dishes include foie gras with espresso syrup and amaretto foam. The three-course menu will be 45 pounds ($68.61) and the seven- course tasting menu 65 pounds. In the bistro, mains start at 12.95 pounds. For more information: Pascal Aussignac of Club Gascon, Fergus Henderson of St. John, 阅读全文>> |
香茗明白,老张最喜欢的是她,因为她聪明,活儿干得好。老张再迷人,说到底不过是他们的领导,当领导的最喜欢能干活儿的。香茗也真的没有辜负老张的喜欢,在那年的春节,策划了娱乐明星大拜年的专版,图文并茂,大受好评。 老张离婚了。香茗到娱乐部的时候,老张已经离婚五年了。老张的前妻是别家报社的记者,离婚之后到南方发展,很快就做到了副主编的位置,应该是个女强人吧。老张为什么离婚?他只字不提,别人也不好多问,加上老张心态平和,笑容明媚,反倒为他增添了更加迷人的神秘色彩。 老张并不英俊,小眼巴喳的,可他的嘴巴长得很好看,嘴唇丰厚,一排洁白透亮的牙齿。不抽烟不喝酒,终日口气清新。老张能给任何人以安全感,作为一个男人,这一点已经足够。 老张比香茗大十二岁,比香茗的男友赵大庆大十岁。 成熟稳健的老张做什么都游刃有余,赵大庆初入商海,整天求爷爷告奶奶跑资金租门面,还在呛水阶段。 香茗为感情取舍,足足失眠了大半年。 她对老张大动芳心的那天,正赶上赵大庆的生日。大庆请香茗看电影。电影院总共没几个人,大庆吻香茗,香茗躲开了。 当时,如果香茗向大庆坦陈自己爱 |
最近上来得频密,一些个老朋友们也渐渐浮出水面打打招呼,呵呵~真好啊 当自己觉得一些东西明明应当被忘却掉的, 却依旧忽闪忽闪地存在着。。。。 说不出是什么样的感动,但就是会在心底泛起一阵阵暖意。 最近在忙着考车牌,刚刚通过笔试,师傅说7月份就可以拿到驾照了。嘿嘿 终于也可以实现车主的梦想了,家里说只能买通用,POLO,HONDA 飞度,也好。 有总比没有的好啊,手痒痒唉~~~老实说哪怕只给我辆桑塔纳开开,也觉得顶瘾~ 现在就是在考虑到底买啥比较好,欢迎大家提供宝贵意见啊 |
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