以下是我上星期在北京搜集的美食。。真的超级棒!很可惜有些没拍下来或者有些没拍好。。请见谅啦!! The pictures below were took in Beijing last week.They all are the best food i had in Beijing. I like them so much. So showing them here.. 这是去的时候国航的飞机餐。我发誓:这是我吃过的最棒的飞机餐了。。不过据说日本全日空航空的飞机餐才是全世界最好的?!我从没吃过,哈哈~!这不过那个饭盒的纸袋没撕开就拍了。。哎。。 This is air-lunch of AIR China on my way to Beijing. I promise this is the BEST air-food i have had! But I heard of that the air-food of ALL NIPPON AIRWAYS is the world best one in all the airways~~but i never tasted it..>0<..it is a pity that i forgot tearing the tinfoil when i was taking this picture..sigh.. 我用那个小圆面包和后面那盒火腿蔬菜做了个小汉堡~~哈哈。。纸饭盒里面是芋头鸡肉饭,饭很不错,可是我还是不爱吃米饭。。 I made a hamburger which includes the bun n the box of the ham n the vegetables..yummy yummy~~haha..There were taro chicken rice in the lunch box. chicken n taro were so delicious for me, but i still dont like rice at all.. 到北京的当天晚上,老爸带我去吃了亚洲最大的自助餐——金钱豹!! My dad showed me the way to the biggest buffet restaurant in Asia at the first day i arrived in Beijing, its called JIN Qian Bao. 我们去的是世贸天阶店~! 真不愧是亚洲最大的自助餐厅,里边有日本料理,韩国料理,东南亚各国料理,美洲和欧洲的餐点,中国的五大菜系就不用说了。。不过我最爱的还是它家的蛋糕和哈根达斯的冰欺凌~~!冷饮也很不错~! So it is really the biggest buffet restaurant in Asia! They servers Japanese food, Korean food, different kind of foods from Southeast Asia n also Chinese special foods..still cakes n ice-cream of Haagen-dazs are my favourates~~!! drinks are excellent too! 其实餐厅里是不让拍照的,我只拍了3张但还是要道歉并且我保证我再也不这么干了!~~我喜欢的蛋糕+布丁! The restaurant isnt allow to take pictures. But i took it,,only three..!!I do apologize n i promise that i never do it again!! Ido like cakes n puddings there.. 大悦城的DQ店~好多人啊! The DQ in Joy City~~too many people!! 点餐台上的那一罐罐五颜六色的东西就是DQ的重头戏——爆米花! 很脆很甜很好看~! Do u guys see the all the colours of jam on the table? They actually are popcorns which so famous of DQ! 大悦城的MR.PIZZA,图片的左边有一个窗口可以看见师傅做PIZZA.. MR.PIZZA in Joy City, there is a window on the lest side of this picture which u can see the chefs who make pizzas there.. 在大悦城里,我们最后选择了一家有点港式风味的快餐店,老爸说他是那儿的常客~! We chose a HongKong style restaurant to had lunch in Joy City. Cuz my dad had been there many times! 爸爸的叉烧烧鹅饭+卡布奇诺咖啡,这样的搭配??!!还不错啦。。 My dad's lunch: rice with barbecued pork n roast goose meat. and a cup of cappuccino.. 我的日式鳗鱼+烤鱼蛋牛 阅读全文>> |
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早在去年年底的时候,保时捷就公布了一些关于其新款Boxster与Cayman的消息。近日捕获到了一组最新的保时捷Boxster车型的谍照,正在德国纽博格林北环赛道上进行测试,这款车仍然是基于传统的Boxster与Cayman平台。这次的测试车可能就是将要推出的高性能版Boxster RS车型,或许将被命名为Speedster。 ![]() 有传言说这是保时捷内部秘密打造的新款入门级跑车,拥有具备涡轮增压的四缸或六缸发动机,动力输出将与下一代的Boxster比较接近。这些消息都让我们不由得想起刚刚被大众集团收购的保时捷公司,打造一款入门级的保时捷正是迎合了大众打造大众化车型的传统。虽然保时捷一直销量不错,不过如果能把门槛再降低一些,相信会为大众集团带来更多的销售业绩。 ![]() 新款Boxster的前脸部分我们并没有发现与现款的车型有什么太大的改进,不过其独特的尾灯和小型扰流翼新奇的造型一下子就让我们记住了他,目前关于这款入门级跑车的消息并不是很多,2011年的时候也许我们就将看到它的真面目。 ...阅读全文>> |
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