I was so hard on Christian Louboutin for those jeweled, drag queen slingbacks that showed up at Berdorf's a couple of weeks ago, but has revealed their fall lineup of Loubou's and I have fallen in love with the signature red soles all over again. The Very Galaxy platform pumps ($1295) are so Lady Gaga! They're made out of mirrored satin, which is fabulous on it's own, Christian Louboutin but the topstitching launches this shoe into another stratosphere. It is so intricate and beautiful, without being overdone. That's what I love about Christian Louboutin. The attention to detail is unparalleled. And now...introducing the ultimate Rihanna booties...the Moulage Platform Ankle Boots. These 5.5 inch high-shine patent leather platforms are sexy as hell. Did I mention that shipping is free right now with the code SHIPSUM9? Click the title of this post to purchase the Moulage Platform Ankle Boots for $995 from Temecula officials passed a tougher local shanghai massage jmmzd525 ordinance in November that Police Chief Jerry Williams said he's been very pleased with. Once the state starts issuing the permits, he worried, "That's going to take away a lot of our enforcement ability." But some issues surrounding the state law remain cloudy, such as whether it will help weed out disreputable businesses by raising standards, or loosen the local controls that have helped curb illegal activity. Officials may decide to allow only state-certified therapists to work in the city and dispense with their own permits altogether, he said. massage shanghaiOthers said having a widely recognized standard could make it easier for law enforcement and customers to recognize legitimate shanghai massage businesses. Corona Police Chief Richard Madory said the new state rules could cut down on the time police spend dealing with shanghai massage businesses. After almost two decades in the business, Corona shanghai massage therapist Gail Mangold has seen her share of potential customers who expect certain, ahem, unadvertised services. Gail Mangold, owner of Grand Therapeutic and Sports shanghai escort in shanghai in Corona, gives a shanghai massage. Corona is the latest Inland city to tackle the problem of prostitution and other illegal activities that have long piggy-backed on the shanghai massage business. "You can go to one city and they might require 500 hours (of training), and the next city's going to require 1,000 hours and you can't qualify," said Mangold, who runs Grand Therapeutic and Sports shanghai massage. car dvd player Benson said that while cities now set their own rules for shanghai massage permits, they will have to accept the new state certifications instead. But for therapists who choose not to get a state certificate, existing city rules still will apply. The board hopes to begin certifying therapists in September. Mark Mussmann, manager of massage in shanghai Envy in Corona, said he expects it will be easier to hire therapists who are state-certified. It can now take three to six months to hire someone who isn't already permitted to work in Corona, he said. The California chapter of the American shanghai massage Therapist Association, which supported the law, plans a public education campaign to tell customers about the new state certification and urge them to look for certified therapists, association spokeswoman Melissa Colburn said. |
减轻农民大病负担,是2009年—2011年全国医改实施方案重点任务之一。7月上旬,国家卫生、民政、财政、农业等部门联合发文,对新型农村合作医疗“保障能力”升级提出了具体要求。目前,江苏参合农民大病报销实况究竟如何?他们有何新期盼?记者就此进行了调查。 政府主力“买单”,参合农民住院负担普减四成金坛市直溪镇乌甲村81岁的许彩凤老人因冠心病发作住进镇卫生院,一个多星期花了2011.3元,因为参加了新型农村合作医疗,出院时报销了883.5元,报销比例为43.9%。老人家属直夸:“合作医疗真帮了农民大忙。” 食道癌 看病全靠个人“买单”,曾是广大农民不堪承受的负担。省卫生厅农卫处处长夏迎秋介绍,新型农村合作医疗作为省委省政府减轻农民看病负担的“重头节目”,2003年开始试点,2004年全面推开,2005年全省所有县(市、区)全面建立了新型农村合作医疗制度,比全国提前3年实现全覆盖目标。截至2008年底,全省参加新农合人口达4454万人,参合率稳定在95%以上,连续四年位居全国第一,实际补偿比达到39.26%,居全国各省之首。今年,全省13个市农民参加新农合的比例全部达到98%以上,人均筹资从上年的124元增加到138.6元,其中各级财政补助占70%-80%,参合农民个人交费占20%-30%。一季度,参合农民患者住院补偿比平均达到39.46%。 大病报销6万元,“封顶线”看起来很美 “从重点保障大病起步,逐步向门诊小病延伸”,是新农合制度的一项基本原则。 我省参合农民大病报销“封顶线”,2008年即从上年的3万元提高到了6万元,按照当年全省农民人均纯收入7357元计算,已提前一年达到并超过国家规定的“2009年新农合封顶线提高到当地农民年人均纯收入6倍”的要求。然而,记者在调查中发现,生大病的农民实际报销比例并不像“设计比例”那么动人,6万元“封顶线”只是看起来很美。以苏北一个大市为例。2008年该市设定参合农民住院补偿额最高为6万元,加湿器 1万元以内部分补偿60%,10001-30000元部分,补偿65%;30001元以上部分补偿70%。然而,实际上,那些必须到省市大医院住院的大病患者,报销费用多达不到“设计比例”,个人实际负担依旧沉重。该市参合农民王亮,一场大病花去17.82万元,其中7.18万元在可报销范围,实报4.0255万元,个人自付费用为13万余元。苏中、苏南也存在同样问题。56岁的金坛市岸头镇参合农妇朱菊贤,因鼻咽癌两次到省城住院治疗,一共花去6万多元,报销近2万元,个人自付费用为4万余元。大病报销“封顶线”为何只是“看起来很美”?苏北一位卫生局长解释,这其中,既有可以理解的因素,也有需要加强控制的因素。这位局长介绍,为了将新农合的有限资金用在“刀口”上,各地均制定了一系列控制新农合费用的措施,其中很重要的一条就是用经济杠杆鼓励参合农民“就近解决问题”,包月网络电话 必须到县以上大医院住院的,则抬高报销“门槛”,同时降低补偿比例。具体地说,在乡医院住院报销比例最高,县医院次之,省市大医院住院费用报销比例要比县乡医院低20%-30%。另一个不可忽视的因素是,目前新农合定点医院普遍只限于县乡两级,而省市大医院尚未列入定点范围。参合农民到这两级大医院住院,检查、用药、治疗普遍处于“零控制”状态,因而相当一部分费用都不在报销范围,得由患者自个儿“买单”。如此,便出现了大病花费很高、实际报销比例却较低、个人负担很重的情况,6万元的“封顶线”便可望而不可及。 参合农民大病“减负”的确还有潜力可挖 70岁的朱千志是如皋市桃园镇参合农民,2008年因食道癌到南京大医院治疗,花去医药费40236.34元,实报1.3万元。朱老先生由衷地向记者表示:“参加新农合个人只交了20元就能报一万多元,实在是很不错了。”不过,他也坦言,由于其余2万多元还得自己掏,家里经济负担不小,目前日子过得拮据。参合农民普遍希望大病报销比例能够“节节高”。北京婚纱摄影工作室 那么,这种期盼切合实际吗?记者通过调查了解得知,减轻参合农民大病负担,的确尚有潜力可挖。潜力一:尽快将省市大医院列为新农合定点医院。“定点医院”意味着医疗费用会受到刚性约束,比如我省各地对县乡两级新农合定点医院都有严格要求:所用药品90%应在《基本药物目录》范围之内,对不告知或未经同意使用目录外药品,超出部分的补偿由定点医疗机构自付。此项规定有效遏制了定点医院的不规范医疗行为。目前,省市大医院普遍尚未进入新农合定点行列,这是参合农民到这一级别医院就医“花钱多、报销少”的一个重要原因。潜力二:确立稳定合理的新农合筹资比例。“以收定支”是新农合补偿准则,筹资标准的高低直接关系到参合农民大病报销比例。一位对新农合制度颇有研究的业内人士在接受采访时指出,城镇职工医保人均筹资标准,目前普遍占职工工资总额的10%左右,新农合当然还不具备与之看齐的条件,但确立合理的筹资比例则是完全可以做到的。“按照财政拿大头、农民出小头的筹资模式,新农合筹资标准确定为农民年均收入的3%左右(今后再根据实际情况调整),既合乎相关各方财力,又可以让参合农民得到更多实惠。”目前,全省各地新农合筹资的标准从100元到300元不等,但普遍未达农民年均纯收入3%的比例,即便是经济发达的苏南也需要再加一把劲。 “江苏经济发展走在全国前列,在新一轮医改中,进一步减轻农民大病负担也应走在全国前列。”有关专家这样建议。 |
W means: push Moreton, Moretonshanghai massage center rubbing, kneading, transport, la w steps: The hjjyd0715 massages were sitting or lying check. Massage from the distal to proximal direction, the first toe, foot, ankle and calf direction several times to light up and then pulp or hypothenar ankle in the foot and around the Mount and rub rub so, to knead the main, following the toe after ankle joints and pull delivery, the final push to the end. shanghai massageSixth, according to law With means, palm, elbow or focus on other parts of body, from light to push harder gradually powerhouse in massage or acupuncture points on the site, to stay for some time (about 30s), and then re-light the way to relax slowly by Act. With sparse active tendons, relax muscles, reduce fatigue, activating blood and pain, such as the role of plastic reduction. Thumb by the law applicable to the meridian points, clinical rubbing often combined with the thumb to form a composite approach to enhance the massage effect and push hard to ease the discomfort, after holding back used by the Department of Law, the left shoulder and limbs, muscle stiffness or tight, but also for the joints, such as the wrist joints, ankle joints and so on. Using fingers, heel, etc. click points is commonly used approaches to massage acupuncture points. (A) methods and procedures. 1. With means, palm, elbow or focus on other parts of limb skin. 2. By the light force to gradually push important place in the massage or acupuncture points on the site, to stay for some time, and then by heavy to light and slowly relax. 3. By law to refer to by law and in charge of the two most commonly used by law. Thumb or that, the ring finger side focus, pressing a certain part of the body surface or points, that means by law or with palmor palmar surface root or overlapping parts of a compression surface, said hand in accordance with law. car wash equipment (B) Action Points 1. Push to keep focus on parts of the body surface can not move, the direction of force operation with a vertical surface by the light-by-weight, stable and sustainable, so that the deep edge of the Organization. 2. Thumb press to accurately points, shanghai massage centerforced to patients acid, expansion, heat, and so the feeling for the degree of Ma. 7, Mount Method With index finger, middle and ring finger or the palm of your hand side efforts side, attached to being part of the massage. Together with the forearm to the wrist for ease of the ring and rhythm of the stroke event for Moroccan law practices. With and the qi, negatively to regulate gastrointestinal motility, promoting blood circulation and sedation, spasm, pain and so on. Ease to stimulate the soft comfort, commonly used in the beginning of massage to alleviate pain or discomfort; often tie in with the rubbing method, extrapolation method, according to law practices, the treatment of abdominal distension pain, dyspepsia, dysmenorrhea and other disorders. (A) the measures and steps 1. With index finger, middle and ring finger or the palm of your hand face saving face, attached to being part of massage. 2. Peg-leg to the elbow joint, wrist joint to relax, Cartier watches the natural extension joints hand gently on the surface; the wrist to the forearm, together with the skin to ease the coordination of the ring for rotary movement. (B) Action Points 1. Can be uniform along the clockwiseshanghai massage center or counter-clockwise from the continuity of the operation.2. Frequency per minute is about 120 times. 3. Can not be too hard. |
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