<B>烘烘红茶(诗意人生)(双语) <B>十四行诗(11言) <B>生活中亮丽的风景线是啥? <B>除了喝酒玩童也品品红茶。 <B>网络文化创造了良好机遇, <B>我那积极的心态是否太傻? <B>首先看上了透明的超短裙, <B>天然无雕琢的诗歌多肉麻。 <B>我被口语化语言深深感动, <B>丝丝入扣安排不婆婆妈妈。 <B>还有那种出类拔萃的撰写, <B>虽缺少风韵也把心灵拍打。 <B>那可是阳光下沐浴的形象? <B>心醉神迷我向着茶山上爬。 <B>起伏的节奏恰到好处结尾, <B>还请网友们捧场打个哈哈。 <B>(以下是英译的十四行诗) <B>Baking black tea (Sonnet) <B>What is the life with beautiful scenery line? <B>Besides drinking I like to taste t 阅读全文>> |
青春飞扬:诗歌寄托梦想 题记:谨以此文献给正走在青春追梦路上的所有青年朋友们,诗以寄怀,放飞梦想! ——文/IT诗人代腾飞 2010年8月27日于成都 青春,一个诗的季节。在这个季节里,无数的轻男少女们都尽情地绽放着自己美丽的岁月年华,犹如一朵含苞待放的花,或情窦初开,为真挚的爱而奔放;或梦想升腾,为理想而追逐。总之,这个岁月充满着无数的诗情画意与五彩缤纷,让人热血澎湃、激情四射、心绪飞扬,实在让人难以忘怀。 诗歌,心灵的声音。千百年来,它都是人们情感与心怀最直接、最动人的表达。无论是抒发自己的壮志情怀、对理想的追逐,还是表达对爱人的倾慕之情、也或表达对生活的热爱、山河的赞美,无不都用诗歌寄以表达,表达出了人们来自心底的声音。 青春路上,我们一路走来,我们或许欢笑过、哭泣过;也或许曾经迷茫过、失落过,看不到未来的方向;也或许曾经努力过、奋斗过,也成功过、辉煌过,正豪情壮志地迈向未来。正因为有这样的交织,青春才这样的精彩,才这样的让人难以忘怀。 青春易逝,难以追回,或许正因为如此,笔者才曾将一路走过的青春的历程完整地融汇于一本诗集《青春飞扬》中,诗中,有我 |
en, the Bulldogs' star receiver, told reporters at the media gathering that he hadn't been to Miami — ever.As coaches we do all we can to tell our guys the rules — you can't accept anything from boosters, <B>nfl store </SPAN></SPAN>agents or whoever.Arkansas' Bobby Petrino, a former Atlanta Falcons coach, said it was "wishful thinking" that the players association and NFL commissioner Roger Goodell can solve the problem for the college ranks.If you can get through your senior year .Beyond that, he said: "It's not my place to comment on it, and I don't feel I need to.We'll let it play out.But you have to wait until your eligibility is over.I think they ought to be a little bit more active and help out in that regard," he said. The party at Club Liv in the Fontainebleau hotel in May has <B>mlb rseysje </SPAN>been the subject of investigations by the NCAA and several schools, including defending national champion Alabama and North Carolina.Spurrier, who co...阅读全文>> |
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