1.The child sickened with whooping cough. 2.The paroxysmal gasp characteristic of whooping cough. 3.Whooping cough is very prent just now. 4.Whooping cough is very prent just now 5.She was given a needle for whooping cough. 6.She was given a needle for whooping cough 7.This will prevent them from ge 阅读全文>> |
1.Groundhog Day is every February 2. 2.Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev died on February 2 at the age of 73. 3.We won't be able to guarantee you a room for February 2nd. 4.We do not be able to guarantee you a room for February 2nd. 5.We will not be able to guarantee you a room for February 2nd. 6.I have been holding the world No.1 ATP-ranking since February 2nd, 2004. 7.We will not be able to guarantee you a room on February 2nd. 8.Sarkozy married Bruni-Sarkozy on February 2. Cecilia married a Moroccan-born events organizer in New York on March 24. 9.Bosnian crisis 10.bell gable author: disease-health link: alex bell february 2 cholera crisis |
今晚在我房间里,我拖光衣服,关注了一下我的身体,发现我稍微比以前长胖了一些,肚子也越来越来大了,体重以达到130多斤了快速减肥食谱 天呐,这不是我想要的结果…年前好像没这么胖啊,现在怎么会这样子啊,难道我要遗传我父亲的那种超胖的身材吗 ?老天、我可真不想那样啊。怎么办,怎么办…原因在哪?我要怎么注意。以前我都是不在父母身边,和朋友们在外面闯荡,一日三餐也未必吃好过,自己赚钱自己花,用我们老家一句俗话说『有钱饱饱zhang,没钱烧火xiang』。而现在不同了在父母身边,不管他们多么的没时间,多么的辛苦。也还关心着我;多吃点,多吃点肉,夜班下班的时候么,家里有新鲜的鸡蛋自己做了吃啊,不要只是随便吃点就去睡觉,等等…这些话我都听了N遍了去年前半年我还是个烟鬼呢,说出来,现在结交的一些朋友们,可能都不信我以前是个每天都有着抽烟的习惯,每天一包烟,有时还不够。后来听朋友劝说,后来就慢慢的真的戒了,说出来也真凑巧,我现在身边几个朋友都不会吸烟。呵呵 |
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