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«January 2025»
4/6/2013 11:20:00 PM [时尚-购物] 分享



her purpose whatsoever; Fifthly,

 a Committee of the said Horticultural Society, duly appointed for this purpose, shall, on the first Monday of January of every year, have a right to inspect and examine the books and accounts of the Treasurer, or other officer acting as Treasurer of the Corporation created by this Act, as far as may be necessary to ascertain the sales of Lots of the precedihttp://www.michaelkorsoutletonline-vip.com/! Michael Kors Outlet ng year.??Section 11. Be it further enacted, That any three or more of the persons named in this Act shall have authority to call the first meeting of the said Corporation hy an advertisement in one or more newspapers printed in the City of Boston, seven days, at least, before thttp://www.cheapoakley-sunglassesoutlets.com/. cheap oakley sunglasses he time of holding such meeting, and specifying the time and place thereof. And all Proprietors of Lots, who shall before, at or during the time of holding such meeting, by writing, assent to this Act, shall be entitled to vote in person or by proxy at the said first meeting. And at such meeting or any adjournment thereof, any elections may be had, and any business done, which are herein authorized to be had and done at an annual meeting, although the same may not be specified in the notice for the said meeting. And the first Board of Trustees, chosen at the said meeting, shall continue in office until the annual meeting of the said Corporation next ensuing their choice, and until another Board are chosen in their stead, in pursuance of this Act .??Section 12. Be it further enacted, That the said Cemetery shall be and hereby is declared exempted from all public taxes, so long as the same shall remain dedicated to the purposes of a Cemetery.??Ihttp://www.monclers-outlets.com/, Moncler Outlet http://www.michaelkorscheapstore.com/: Michael Kors Outlet n House of Representatives, March 27,1835. Passed to be enacted.??JULIUS ROCKWELL, Speaker. In Senate, March 28,1835. Passed to be enacted.??GEORGE BLISS, President. March 31, 1835. Approved. ??SAMUEL T. ARMSTRONG. A true Copy. Attest .??EDWARD D. BANGS,??Secretary of the Commonwealth. ??The amount paid by these proprietors to the Horticultural Society, under the articles of separation, was $4,223,42. The original cost of the land was $9,760,89. The quantity, in all, is one hundred and ten and a quarter acres, a piece having been added, on the west side, to the first purchase. The total cost of grounds and improvements,'up to the close of the year last past, is $34,107,57. The whole number of lots disposed http://www.burberryoutletonlinesvip.com/. Burberry Outlet of at that date was six hundred and thirty-four, and the amount of purchase-money, including that given for selection, $50,077,59. The Proprietors had funds invested in Treasury to the amount of $11,980,79.??The following is the return of tombs built, monuments erected, and interments, for each year, since the establishment of the Cemetery, ending December, 1838.??Tombs. Mouu'ts. Iuter'mls.???In the Appendix will be found the present terms of subscription for lots, with other matters of some interest, relating to the economy of ?From the number of tombs built, it will be inferred that the taste is a prevalent one, though it seems to admit of some question whether this mode of interment possesses the advantages over the


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4/6/2013 11:21:00 PM [时尚-购物] 分享



more usual practice

e which are apparently ascribed to it. It is almost uniformly insecure and temporary at the best, while the nature of the erection makes it impossible to avoid, after a time, some inconveniences, inconsistent with the general good appearance of the Cemetery. These must be understood by those who have visited Phe la Chaise. On this point, a correspondent of one of the Boston papers some years since, remarks as follows:??"It is a part of the original design of this establishment, though not an obligatory one, that interments shall be made in single or separate graves, rather than in tombs. The abundant space afforded by the extensiveness of the tract which has been purchased, precluhttp://www.cheapoakley-sunglassesoutlets.com/. cheap oakley sunglasses des the necessity of constructing vaults for the promiscuous concentration of numbers. It is believed that the common grave affords the most simple, natural and secure method by which the body may return to the bosom of the earth, to be peacefully blended with its original dust. Whatever consolation can be derived from the gathering tohttp://www.michaelkorsoutletonline-vip.com/! Michael Kors Outlet gether of members of the same families, is provided for by the appropriation of lots, each sufficient for a family, while the provision that the same spot or grave shall not be twice occupied for interment, secures to the buried an assurance of undisturbed rest, not always found in more costly constructions.??On the same subject another consideration may be added. It is desired that the place may become beautiful, attractive, consoling,—not gloomy and repulsive, —that what the earth has once covered it shall not again reveal to light,—that the resources of art shall not be wasted in vain efforts to delay or modify the inevitable courses of nature. It is hoped, therefore, that any sums which individuals may think it proper to devote to the improvement of the place of sepulture of themselves and their friends, may be expended above the surface of the earth,—not under it. A beautiful monument is interesting to every one. A simple bed of roses under the broad canopy of heaven, is a more approachable, a fahttp://www.monclers-outlets.com/, Moncler Outlet http://www.michaelkorscheapstore.com/: Michael Kors Outlet r more soothing object, than the most costly charnel-house."??To the summary sketch here given of the present condition of Mount Auburn, it may be proper to add that it is believed to be the intention of the proprietors, as soon as then- funds may allow, to surround the establishment with a wall of stone, in place of the fence now existing. This improvement will doubtless be at once of a substantial and elegant design. Other additions will of course occhttp://www.burberryoutletonlinesvip.com/. Burberry Outlet ur from time to time. We take occasion to suggest, meanwhile, the desirableness of donations and legacies to the Corporation, for uses of the description now referred to, on the part of those opulent admirers of nature, and patrons of the arts, who are interested in the decoration of these sacred grounds.??APPENDIX, I.??GENERAL DEARBORN'S REPORT.??When the Massachusetts Horticultural Society was organized, it was confidently anticipated, that, at no very distant period, a Garden of Experiment would be established in the vicinity of Boston; but to ar




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