系统采用Dreamweaver编写ASP脚本,SQL SERVER
关键字: Dreamweaver; SQL Server 2000;
ABSTRACT Along with Internet technique of development, Internet at China gradually universality, people's need to the network also day by day growth, make use of calculator realization tour resources of management power at necessarily line.This system from first step investigate beginning, detailed introduction the need analysis, process and data analysis, and carried on system total structure design and database design. System adoption the Dreamweaver write ASP script, SQL SERVER 2000 establishment database, simple and direct and practical from the interface of request set out, completion tour resources management work of main part, the information which include tour resources and customer browse, add, modification, delete, search, and realization some change quantity of take a value, keep, cost offer of calculation, with statistics. Tour conduct and actions a newly arisen industry in recent years obtain quick of development, the travel agency grow profusely and quickly to spread all over whole country each city, currently tour the profession be widespread existence the business enterprise scale be small, management not norm etc. weakness.Because tour involve to eat, live, line, swim, buy, Y 阅读全文>> |
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画的《死神的歌谣》里的小使魔--丹尼尔 一个本来不怎么好看的动漫改编成了真人版的电视后总算变得好看多了,尤其是那个白色死神的 小跟班--丹尼尔,一超级可爱的小正太,后来才知道是个女孩子扮演的。。 因为很喜欢这个小孩,所以就找来张视频截图,把他给临摹了下来。。 |
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