3030型博士通彩虹冰淇淋机冲击市场8900元(全不锈钢加500 预冷加500)</STRONG> 技术参数: </STRONG>阿斯帕拉压缩机,进口丹麦丹佛斯膨胀阀,整机内置专利彩虹炫彩冰淇淋系统,钢板喷塑加不锈钢机身,全自动微电脑控制系统,液晶显示,触摸控件,全不锈钢冷冻缸,快速气泵膨胀率:4 阅读全文>> |
以杜嘉班纳 (Dolce&Gabbana) 和马克·雅可布 (Marc Jacobs) 为首的服装设计将我们带回到1980年代那个对时尚界影响颇深的年代,夸张的肩形、霓虹般明亮的色彩和男友式西装开始大行其道。复古风格着装究竟怎样穿最时髦呢?和海报网编编一起从杂志大片中找寻些灵感吧。
以杜嘉班纳 (DOLCE&GABBANA) 和马克·雅可布 (Marc Jacobs) 为首的服装设计将我们带回到1980年代那个对时尚界影响颇深的年代,夸张的肩形、霓虹般明亮的色彩和男友式西装开始大行其道。复古风格着装究竟怎样穿最时髦呢?和海报网编编一起从杂志大片中找寻些灵感吧。 |
SKF has among eight finalist companies been selected the winner KOYO angular contact ball bearings of the 2009 Swedish Innovation Award. The jury motivation was:
"Innovation is daring to challenge old conceptions. This year's winner of the Swedish Innovation Award has taken SKF bearings Venezuela a more than 100 year old product, combined it with modern research and technology and utilized a new market NTN self-aligning ball bearings demand for climate changeover and energy efficiency. Technical innovations have been packaged into a company vision - BeyondZeroTM. This year's winner has set a standard for how innovation and Timken bearings Ecuado r commercialization go hand in hand. SKF is a worthy winner of the 2009 Swedish Innovation Award." SKF sees innovation from two dimensions. Products and solutions are being developed based Large KOYO bearings on both customer needs and new technology trends. "In 2007 SKF launched a whole new family of energy efficient bearings INA ...阅读全文>> |
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