Grasp the cone with the right hand firmly but gently between
thumb and at least one but not more than three fingers, two-thirds
of the way upon the cone. Then dart swiftly away to an open area,
away from the jostling crowd at the stand. Now take up the classic
ice-cream-cone-eating stance: feet from one to one feet apart, body
bent forward from the waist at a twenty-five-degree angle, right
elbow well up, right forearm horizontal, at a level with your
collarbone and about twelve inches from it. But don't start eating yet! Check first to see what emergency repairs may be necessary. Sometimes a sugar cone will be so crushed or broken or cracked that all one cm do is gulp at the thing like a savage, getting what he can of it and letting the rest drop to the ground, and then evacuating the area of catastrophe as quickly as possible. Checking the cone for possible trouble can be done in a second or two, if one knows where to look and does it systematically. A trouble spot some people overlook is the bottom tip of the cone. This may have been broken off. Or the flap of the cone material at the bottom, usually wrapped over itself in that funny spiral construction, may be folded in a way that is impe 阅读全文>> |
夜愿乐队</SPAN>(Nightwish)是一支来自芬兰的剧院金属摇滚乐队,成立于1996年。乐队大多数歌曲的词由键盘手托马斯·霍洛帕尼。 所撰写,女主唱塔雅·图仑尼的声音让夜愿在全球范围内都受到好评。塔雅毕业于芬兰的Sibelius学院,并且还在德国进修过经典演唱技巧。最近他们也找到了一个备用的主唱,也就是贝思手马可·希耶塔拉。 Nightwish的乐风中融合了古典与金属乐各自的特点,加上专业出身的唯美女声主唱,向听者展示出了一幅优美的画面。 深厚的古典基础以及优雅的女高音,辅以power/speed metal衬底,强力输送重金属与高雅古典乐的混种乐风挟带着交响乐之磅礡刚正气势,Nightwish不只掳获金属乐迷的心而已,就连没接触重金属的乐迷也拜倒在其优美声乐裙摆下,而商业战绩屡屡拿下欧陆金属大奖不提,唱片销售也是每每勇破金唱片! 屡获捷报,更带起了欧陆重金属乐女主唱的风潮! 夜愿的音乐风格被描述成剧院金属和新金属,并且还有其它元素 |
其状残不忍睹!!!!!!!!!!!!! 法国美女来到中国 路上遇地痞恶霸惨遭强暴 产下混血儿 |
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