1.吃完橘子后,把橘皮洗净揩干,分散放入冰箱内。3天后,打开冰箱,清香扑鼻,异味全无。 2.柠檬除味。将柠檬切成小片,放置在冰箱的各层,可除去异味。 3.把50克花茶装在纱布袋中,放入冰箱,可除去异味。1个月后,将茶叶取出放在阳光下暴晒,可反复使用多次,效果很好。 4.麦饭石500克,筛去粉末微粒后装入纱布袋中,放置在电冰箱里,10分钟后异味可除。 </s 阅读全文>> |
May be due to the pressure of living and
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Qingdao. Although The Wire, which is shown on BBC2, ahhflh0810 and other massages by the writing team of David Simon and Ed Burns, such as the Iraq war series Generation Kill, have been acclaimed by critics and held up as a model for aspiring programme makers, the lifelike ambient audio makes it hard for some viewers to hear what all the fuss is about. Others have problems with programmes which deploy music heavily to help give a sense of time to the action, such as the 1950s-based Mad Men, or the BBC's Ashes To Ashes, which is based in the early 1980s and features songs fro |
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